Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bibi Sakina (Razi Allah Anho)

Bibi Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) was the youngest daughter of Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha).  She (Razi Allah Anho) was an energetic child, full of adore and contentment. Everybody loved Sakina (Razi Allah Anho). She (Razi Allah Anho) was also a very pious girl. She (Razi Allah Anho) enjoyed reciting the Holy Quran and never missed her prayers. Her (Razi Allah Anho) head and face were properly covered when in public from the age of two.

Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) was Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha)'s most dearly loved child.
Our Imam (Razi Allah Anha) was often heard to say,

“A house without Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) would not be importance living in!”

She (Razi Allah Anho) always had a cute and joyful smile and a very welcoming personality. Other children wanted her (Razi Allah Anho) friendship as much as the grown-up did. She (Razi Allah Anho) was very generous.

There was an extraordinary attachment between Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) and Sakina (Razi Allah Anho).He (Razi Allah Anha) dearer her (Razi Allah Anho) more than he (Razi Allah Anha) did his own children. When Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) asked for something, Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) would not have a rest in anticipation of fulfill her demand. There was nothing that Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) would not do to make Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) pleased.

Throughout the journey from Medina to Mecca and then Mecca to Karbala, Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) was seen again and again riding up to the Mehmil inside Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) sat to make confident that she had the whole things that she required. Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) loved her uncle just as much. At the same time as in Medina she would, a number of times a day, visit the residence in which Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) lived with his family and his mother, Ummul Baneen (Razi Allah Anha).

When Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) went to bed at night her (Razi Allah Anha) wanted to spend a few time among her father Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha). That time she (Razi Allah Anho) was four-five year old.  Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha) would let know her stories of the prophets and of the battles those fought by her grand-father Ali (Razi Allah Anha). She (Razi Allah Anho) would have a rest her head on her father's chest and Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha) would not move from her until she (Razi Allah Anho) fell sound asleep.
From the second of Muharram when the armies of Yazid began to gather round at Karbala, Hussain (Razi Allah Anha) said to his sister Zainab (Razi Allah Anho):

“The time has come for you to get Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) used to going to sleep without my being there!”

Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) would chase her father at night and Hussain (Razi Allah Anha) had to smoothly get her to Zainab (Razi Allah Anho) or Rubaab (Razi Allah Anho).

At Karbala, while from the seventh Muharram water became insufficient Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) shared at all little water she (Razi Allah Anho) had with further children. As soon nearby was no water at all. The thirsty children would look at Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) optimistically for the reason that she (Razi Allah Anho) could not facilitate them she (Razi Allah Anho) would have tears in her eyes. Sakina (Razi Allah Anho)’s lips were dried up with thirst.

On the Ashura day, she (Razi Allah Anho) gave her Mashk to Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha). He (Razi Allah Anha) went to search out water used for her. The children grouped round Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) with their small cups, knowing with the purpose of as soon as Hazrat Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) brought any water. When Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) saw Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha) bringing the blood soaked to the skin. She (Razi Allah Anho) knew that her uncle Abbas (Razi Allah Anha) had been martyred. From that day on Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) never protested of thirst.

Then the time came whilst the soil trembled and Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) became an orphan! But she (Razi Allah Anho) always thinking of the others earliest. She (Razi Allah Anho) would comfort her mother on the death of Ali Asghar (Razi Allah Anha) and when she (Razi Allah Anho) saw any other female or youngster in lament Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) would put her little arms around her.

So Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) never all over again asked someone intended for water. Bibi Zainab (Razi Allah Anho) would convince her to take an only some sips but she (Razi Allah Anho) herself would never ask for water or complain of thirst desire!!!!

As of the time as Imam Hussain (Razi Allah Anha) fell during the battle field. Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) forgot to smile…! Kufa saw her since a somber little girl lost in thought. Somewhat regularly she (Razi Allah Anho) would be seated up at night. When asked if she (Razi Allah Anho) required something, she (Razi Allah Anho) would say,

“I just heard a baby cry? Is it Asghar (Razi Allah Anha)? He (Razi Allah Anha) must be calling out for me!”

Perceptive that her (Razi Allah Anho) crying distresses her mother, Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) would weep without a sound and hastily wipe up her tears!

Inside the prison in Shaam she (Razi Allah Anho) would gaze on the flock of birds flying to their nests by sunset and innocently request Bibi Zainab (Razi Allah Anho):

“Will Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) be going home like those birds flying to their homes?”

Afterward one dreadful night Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) went to bed on the cold floor of the prison. For a long instant she (Razi Allah Anho) stared into the dimness!
That time for the morning prayers came. Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) was unmoving lying with her eyes broad open.
Her mother called out:

“Wake up, Sakina (Razi Allah Anho)! Wake up; it is time for prayers, my child!”

Nearby was merely the painful calm! Our fourth Imam (Razi Allah Anha) walked up to wherever Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) rest. He (Razi Allah Anha) laid his hand resting on her forehead. It was summer! He (Razi Allah Anha) put his hand close to the mouth and the nose. Sakina (Razi Allah Anho) had stopped up breathing.

Among weeps Imam Zain ul 'Abideen (Razi Allah Anha) said:

Inna lil-Lahi wa inna ilay-hi raja’uun.”

They crowded about her, and the prison walls began to tremble by the weep: 
“Ya Sakina, ya madhloomah!!”

Bibi Rubaab (Razi Allah Anho) put her cheek on top of Sakina (Razi Allah Anho)’s grave furthermore cried out:

“Speak to me, Sakina (Razi Allah Anho)! Only a word, my child! Speak to me!!”

Dream of Sayyedah Sakinah (Razi Allah Anho), daughter of Imam Husain (Razi Allah Anha)